Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Festival weekend

What a brilliant 4 days away and the weather was perfect from the time we arrived till we left. Everyone was in bikinis or topless (the men I mean) I had to be covered up so I now have a fantastic T-shirt tan, which goes against all my rules of tanning. We were first there and last to leave as we worked our stay around the hospital, it was so great being so close for a change. 

The people who attended were so nice, everyone mixed with everyone, we were surrounded by friends in our area, we had such a laugh together. The bands were really good, everyone was dancing and singing.

Polly Dolly stole the show and had people in and out throughout the weekend, you could seeds being planted in some peoples minds. It was just so much fun staying in her that I just want to travel all over with her now. 

I am home now to catch up on the works laundry, I keep forgetting I have to go to the hospital everyday this week, its a pain really because I really do not have the time. That's what happens though when you have a few days off. I meant what I said though I have forgotten about the cancer and treatment, this weekend has allowed me to do this it was just what I needed. I was going to have a run this morning before going but I am too tired, the after effects of a long weekend, maybe I will tomorrow.


  1. So glad you had a lovely time, you totally deserve it! Chat soon, Love Chez. xx

  2. Then I guess we both had a fabulous weekend lol, you take it easy though, just shout if you want me to take some of that laundry ;-) x

  3. I'm glad to hear you had a great time away. It would be hard to focus on things with all this going on in your life but it seems you are doing it. I've been watching eBay for months now hoping a little vintage caravan will pop up with my name on it. :-)

  4. Jan I,m on my way to view one today, fingers crossed because Ive lost out so many times lately on ebay.

  5. I am loving your blog and am just off to gaze at polly dolly x

  6. Caravaning is so cool. My parents had a caravan when I was a child (until I was in my twenties I think) and we spent many, many happy holidays in them - touring all over the country - we even lived in one for half a year when I was 6 - we were selling our house and moving to another city and there was a hold up with the sale or something.... anyway some of my best and happiest memories stem from those 6 months.

    By the way, in answer to your comment on my blog. I am so not French Clare.

    I lived tin France a few years - and my two boys still live there with their Dad - but I am South African. Although I left years ago and have lived in many different countries since I left, so South Africa doesn't feel like home anymore. France is more home to me actually than anywhere else.
